Sembla tot molt íntim, i ho és, però m'agrada tenir convidats...


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It was interesting. It might be useful. Her mood was coming back to her. One must keep on looking without for a second relaxing the intensity of emotion, the determination not to be put off, not to be bamboozled. One must hold the scene — so — in a vise and let nothing come in and spoil it. One wanted, she thought, dipping her brush deliberately, to be on a level with ordinary experience, to feel simply that’s a chair, that’s a table, and yet at the same time, It’s a miracle, it’s an ecstasy. (To The Lighthouse, Virginia Woolf) 

Al fons de la vall
tres dotzenes de vaques
de tots els colors del bru.

Música d'esquelles
com remor d'onades entre els còdols,
com riure de nens.

Som un grup de gent
i anem cap a l'ermita.
Pugen les boires,
la terra respira.
Olor d'humitat,
fulles grogues,
molses resplendents.

Jo en canvi avui
passejo per la vora del mar
de les Hèbrides
i anem decidits,
ara que encara hi som a temps
i fa bo,
cap al far.